I watched the Miss Universe pageant last night and it's always fun. It was held in the Caribbean this year and wow! - amazing. Throughout the show they talk about all the places the girls went to and what they did and it looked awesome. Super luxurious, really fun (tons of water slides and parks), amazing beaches and activities. The islands there are just hotels, it's a vacation paradise playground with anything and everything you didn't know you wanted because you never knew it existed.
Back to the show. They did their whole dance and parading back and forth thing. I have to say, I was surprised with the standard of beautiful people this year. Very whatever. Considering this is Miss Universe, it was a bit disappointing. I remember last year I didn't know how to choose a favorite. Three of my faves were in the top 5 (Miss Brazil, Miss Japan and Miss Venezuela - the winner), but there were many that could have easily been chosen. This year, however, not so much. The only two I thought were wow were Miss Australia and the winner, Miss Venezuela. Miss Venezuela is a stunner. She stole the show. All eyes were drawn to her every time. There was no way she wasn't going to win.

So, last year's Miss Universe (also a Miss Venezuela) gave (or threw more like - for realz) the crown at the new Miss Universe. I couldn't believe mon yeux when I saw the crown hit the ground. Jesus take the wheel! The crown was picked up and then placed (crookedly) on the new Miss Universe's head.
Let's talk about Q&A time. What kind of idiot ass people come up with those questions? We always think it's the contestants that are airheads, but I would like to suggest that perhaps it's the judges. There wasn't a single intelligent or remotely interesting question asked. If it were up to me I would cut that part out altogether. It's a silly moment where no one really listens or pays attention. The girls are coached into saying ultra PC things they probably don't agree , and the judges pull out questions monkeys scrawled on pieces of paper with banana markers. Then if God forbid one of them should actually speak their mind like Miss USA, they get smeared all over the media and haters from every corner of the earth. (Just as an FYI, I did not agree with what Miss USA said about gay marriage, but I give her props for saying what she personally believes and not just quoting from memorized lines that were fed to her by R2D2).
After the show was over I could not stop thinking one thing: what lipstick was Miss Venezuela wearing, and how can I get my hands on a tube?
Here's a video of the moment the winner is announced and the crown falls...
Was I the only one who saw Heidi Idiot skank-oh slimy ass's performance???
Body language blah blah blah crap???
I wiped it from my mind. All the musical performances were le shite! Did you see the idiot DJ? Mon Dieu!
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