James made his amazing turkey again this year. Every bite was flavored all the way through with olive oil, pepper, salt, sage, thyme (just to name a few). The turkey was moist, tender and delicately flavored so that if you didn't want to put anything on top of it, there really was no need. But that's not our style at all, we add as much as we can, don't we? There was a really delicious gravy made from the pan drippings. It was thick, creamy and wonderfully aromatic. There was jellied and whole berry cranberry sauce I brought back from the States (score!). The stuffing was maybe the best stuffing I've every had in my life. It was moist, crunchy, sweet and salty all at the same time. It was packed full of walnuts (the crunch), sweetness (yellow raisins and prunes), salty (celery), and wonderful moist bread dripping with gravy.
The veggies were a mix of 3 green beans sauteed in butter and lime. They were left slightly al dente depending on which type of bean. Since they all cook at different times they were blanched in boiling water and salt first, then sauteed. There was a buttery delight of peas and carrots. They go so well together and add a contrast for the ultimate creaminess of the potatoes. The corn on the cob was cooked with one part salt to 4 parts sugar, which brought out the natural sweetness in the corn.
The corn bread was fluffy and very flavorful. It was consistent and crumbly at the same time which made for a completely different texture from the rest of the food bringing everything together. A variety of flavors, textures, temperatures coming uniquely combined affording the diner a wonderful experience which is not easily forgotten.
There was a wine to match everything we ate, thanks to our friends who know what they're doing. One of the wines was from a vineyard bought by the Rothschilds and some other strong Illuminati corporations. We joked around that it was a wine "sanctioned by Satan", that after a commercial for the wine there would be a message that said, "I am Lucifer, and I approve this message". But all joking aside, it was pretty amazing wine, so it seems yonder Illuminati people know their stuff. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you ever get a chance to try some wine from a vineyard bought or connected somehow to one of those evil wealthy families, go ahead with our blessing, because it's awesome!
One of the sad things that happened right in the beginning of the meal was that James wine cellar (those little electric thingies) burned out and shut off without his knowledge and the w
We went around and all said what we were thankful for. It was not as corny as you might think, it was kind of fun. The only one that was a little "whatever" was Fukui-san's father. We had no idea what he was saying because he was mumbling in his own dialect, so there was no way for us to cheer, say "Here, here!", and take a sip of our wine - like we did after everyone else said their thanks.
That pretty much sums up our evening. Let me know in the comments if I left anything out.
Oh, here's an important nugget I almost forgot to mention: today is Angie's birthday. Happy Birthday Angie! May you live long and prosper! Our lives would not be the same without you!
It was a total success! Best one yet! (It gets better every year!)
Thanks to you, Flower Power, and all who made it possible. It was a very nice and pleasant time with our sweet and fun family and friends! I love you!
Thanksgiving Rocks!!
To all you who couldn't make it, eat your hearts out!!!!! (oh snap!)
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