I’ve been racking my brain but I can’t think of a way to make to make Monday something to look forward to. I think maybe making it something to look forward to is just asking too much. What I should do is look for a way to make it bearable, perhaps by giving it a better name, something like Beer Monday. There’s
If I were queen I would have a couple of important decrees made in order to improve our standard of living like: everyone must read, after Sunday we would skip Monday – Wednesday and go right to Thursday, Tom Cruise must stop being ridiculous, and Madonna must act as a respectable woman of her advanced years should act and not go around showing off her hmm-hmm. I know it sounds like crazy la-la land, but it’s not dreaming unless you reach for the skies.

Who’s hotter: Henry Cavill or Jonathan Rhys Myers?
You’re welcome!
Henry Cavill
Smokin' hot
But Jonny-boy is somethin' somethin' as well.
If there's one actor I want to see more of it's Henry Cavill. Hubba-hubba!
I think the first guy looks like someone we all know well...I'll leave you with that thought. Guess who?
who????? wtf???? who dammit!!!!!
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