I have long suspected that there is a vortex of evil right here in our fair city sucking the life out of everyone around it making ordinary citizens consider the benefits of "going postal", or the time and proven "torch and pitchfork" business. I was right. The evil I speak of is not metaforical, it is in fact the largest cable company in our country - NET.
They represent all that is wrong with our supposedly "working" democracy. It is filled to the brim with lazy, untrained and ignorant people who have no idea what they're doing and force us to waste mammoth amounts of our time trying to get them to accomplish the simplest, most basic tasks. While it doesn't take a rocket scientist to answer a phone and pass on information, but it does take someone with a modicum of intelligence. Unfortunately for us that is not one of the prerequisites for becoming a NET employee.
Sadly, it is harder and harder to find people with enough brain cells to work in a call center. The amount of time I've spent over the last couple of weeks trying to make myself understood to what seems like a company consisting of 1st class morons and doofuses is infuriating not to mention frustrating. There is not one person working for NET who knows their left hand from their right much less where to find the buttons on the keyboard. One can't help but wonder - why bother?

While giving NET my hard earned coinage is something I will dread every month, I will still have to do it. Do you know why I'll have to do it? Because while they are evil - EVIL - and I hate - HATE - them, they are the best bandwidth/cable company here. How sad is that? It took two weeks to get them to transfer my account to my new place, and longer to change a double charge from last month's bill, but they are still the best. That just blows my mind.
This is the reason I say that they represent what's wrong with our country. I'm not afraid to sound cliche here and say that this is why Brasil doesn't move forward or progress. Irresponsible, inefficient, ignorant, disrespectful, disorganized, incapable, untrained and lazy ass companies rob the hard workers of their cash and leave them no option but to put up with their substandard ways of operation and their outrageous prices. This is the basic blueprint of all the companies here and the reason why we should all get down on our knees and thank our respective deities when we can get any work done at all.
There are times that I look out onto the street and stare totally baffled that the streets, lights, traffic lights, signs, and cut grass are there. I mean, WOW, how? Seems unbelievable to me, and impressive. So, given that one of the biggest, and best companies cannot accomplish the simplest task in a timely manner, or any manner at all, how can we expect to grow and progress as a country and as a people? How? No really, this is not retorical, this is a real question. Here, I'll repeat it just in case you missed it the first time around: Given that one of the biggest, and best companies cannot accomplish the simplest task in a timely manner, or any manner at all, how can we expect to grow and progress as a country and as a people?
If you know the answer to this, then please, please say so in the comments, because at this point I could use a light at the end of a very dark and cableless tunnel.
I promise I'll have a more upbeat and less bitter post tomorrow, but I had a lot I needed to get off my chest. Ta ta for now...
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