I've been a bit lost lately. I've had a serious case of the fuckits and in part I think it's due to the fact that I'm taking it at work and I need a vacation. I put away all my winter perfumes and took out all my summer ones in the hopes that it would lift my spirit - it didn't. I watched the entire 6th season (with the exception of the finale which hasn't been aired yet) of Top Chef - nothing. Then as I was sitting in the livingroom watching a new episode of Grey's I decided to do my nails. I wasn't excited about it, but it had been a while so I went to it. I chose to paint them red, and the red I chose is the most perfect red in the universe - OPI Vodka and Caviar.
Never in the history of beautiful reds has there ever been a red like this one. It's a true red that is flattering on everyone and ideal for any occasion. The second I swiped that first bit of color on my nail my spirits were lifted. When I was done I looked at my handiwork and marveled. Why in frick didn't I do this sooner. I can't stop looking down at my hands. I'm myself again! It's such a relief. The only bummer in all this is that the bottle is almost done and it's not as easy as I would like for me to get my hands on a new one.

I love many OPI reds like: Keys to My Karma, Got the Blues for Red, Big Apple Red, and St. Petersburgundy. But there is nothing, nothing like Vodka and Caviar. If you're in a bit of a funk, or you look down at your washer-woman hands and think, "Yuck!", you need a self-esteem boost, or you want to glam up your nails before scratching someone's eyes out - or giving someone the finger for that matter (have you ever noticed how much classier it looks with red nails?), I suggest you run down to your local Ulta or Walgreens (for all you lucky ladies who have one nearby), and get yourself some. You'll be surprised at what a good red nail polish can do. To look at some sweet swatches of the color go to Michelle's blog, All Lacquered Up, where you can find pictures of any nail color you can imagine. It's a really great site.
1 comment:
Ooooooooo, red nails are AWESOME!!
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