The movie Hot Fuzz has got to be one the best movies out there - as far as ridiculous, unrealistic, dark humor, not anywhere close to the vicinity of PC, nonsensical, foolish, absurd, and insane movies go. Utterly, and completely genius - and you have my permission to smack anyone who says otherwise.
It's the story of an overacheiver (a cop) who is so over the top he's making the entire London police department look bad. They get so fed up with him they ship him off to a podunk town in the middle of nowhere where they hope he'll be forgotten. He arrives in this perfectly idyllic town where no cop is needed at all and the police officers are complete slackers (they have nothing to do). He arrives and on his first night there he starts doing his exaggeratedly ridiculous cop routine. It gets old very fast, until he accidentally uncovers a mystery. Well, I'll let you see it for yourself, but I promise you, it's a million laughs.
If you even think you might like British humor, then please, run out right now and rent it. I'm telling you, you won't regret it.
You know those movies you watch and laugh, but you only laugh so much, for whatever reason it might be, you only have a certain amount of laugh in you? Then, after you're done watching it, you're putting the DVD away in the box, and you suddenly remember something and the laughter begins. You're minding your own business washing dishes the following day and again you remember something from the movie and - boom - you can't stop laughing. That's the way it is with this movie. The more you talk about it with others who've watched it, retell it and remember it, the funnier it becomes. By the time the week is out, you'll be recommending it to all of your friends.
Someone once said, “Variety is the spice of life”. To that person I say “hurrah!”, and in keeping with the spirit of this phrase I will endeavor to fill this blog with as much variety as possible from movie reviews, to perfumes, to cooking, to things we do on the weekends or highlights of our week. If there is a story worth telling, a picture worth posting or a sentence worth writing, you will see it here. My life may not be filled with danger and adventure, but by God I can find danger and adventure in the most mundane and tedious activities and I will strive to share them with you all ad nauseum.
So to those of you who find yourselves trapped in the spiraling vortex of nonsense that is this blog I wish you good luck from the bottom of my heart. To those of you who have the willpower to do something more useful with yourselves than read another word of this 6th grade level writing which were it a soup would be cold, were it a steak would be overcooked and were it a book would be empty, I say God’s speed, fare thee well, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
P.S. You know of course that when I say “we” I mean my family and I which includes: Fukui-san (Daniel), I (me), Thing 1 (oldest son, aka: Samurai Jack), Thing 2 (younger son, aka: Miojoboy), Angie and Meury (Mary). There are more members of this family, many, many more members, but since this blog is mainly a way of keeping them posted on the minutia of our lives, it is unnecessary that they be listed in the credits (so to speak).
1 comment:
Lllllove this movie!! It's an absolute CLASSIC!! :)
(I watched it alone and even so, I actually LAUGHED OUT LOUD... specially during the last half hour)
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