A couple of weeks ago Meury and I decided that we would bestow our kindness, talent and awesomeness to our good friend Greti who had a few days earlier fallen down some stairs and gotten pretty beat up - I'm not making this up, she really did. She was bruised and scabbed and feeling pretty fugly. We are so benevolent that we spread cheer wherever we go, so off we went to sprinkle some cheerful fairy dust. There was another urgent situation which prompted our expedition, her tree. It had been sloppily decorated with supermarket bows and mismatch items, and was not close to being ready to receive the most important celebrations of the year - my birthday and Christmas.
Being magnanimous has it's responsibilities, so we had an emergency Christmas tree S.O.S party where we took the decorations we purchased in Saara and some others we had here at home and headed for her house with bags packed (she lives pretty far away). Greti is a most gracious host so we had an amazing time with tea, cookies, cake, coffee and all manner of evil. We brought our Christmas music compilation CDs dating back to 2004 and sang along with all the bravado you can possibly imagine. I'm sure we scared the frick out of some of the neighbors, but we weren't there to make them happy, were we?
Our afternoon was a tremendous success and we accomplished what we set out to do, had a blast and enjoyed ourselves so much it was almost illegal. Fukui-san said that we should turn it into a business - going to people's houses and decorating their trees. I think it's a splendid idea, who knows if we'll do that next year or not, but there is some merit to the thought. Most mortals are not blessed with the celestial gifts my sister and I are blessed with, so if we can spread some Christmas cheer and make a buck here and there, all power to us!
I can see it now, Meury and I sweeping into houses like tornadoes of happiness, cranking up the Christmas music and forcing everyone into yuletide glee. Yes, it would be wonderful. Perhaps we could turn into eccentrics that wear outlandish robes and turbans like glamorous ladies of yore, jewelry dangling and clanging, and tons of tranny makeup. We would invade someone's house, work out magic and then off we'd go to the next poor victim of our charity (except we would charge a pretty sum, naturally). We could single-handedly change the neighborhood into Christmas glory. I can't wait until I have enough money and age to be a fabulously eccentric lady like Auntie Mame.
All the pictures are of Greti's tree during the process and after.
1 comment:
Pelo pouco que te conheço, já percebi alguns de seus talentos. Tenho certeza que você tem muitos mais. E, na minha humilde opinião, eles são:
- preparar doces maravilhosos.
- decorar (coisas e 'pessoas'!)
- e ser uma boa mãe, esposa e filha.
Ah, e a árvore ficou realmente linda. Parabéns.
Beijos e feliz Ano Novo!
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